About Us

About us

Elegoa Cultural Productions is a social enterprise that supports the independent development of artworks and art initiated dialogue. It generates ethical intercultural encounters and fosters generous and socially-responsible collaborations. Elegoa’s initiatives include research, partnership development, commission and production of international artworks, films, exhibitions, events and alternative forms of dissemination. Founded in 2012 by its current director/curator Catherine Sicot, Elegoa has since worked in Canada, France and Cuba.

Elegoa’s two main activities consist of commissioning artwork and cultural projects, and service delivery (curating, representation, fundraising, project management, consulting / training).

Elegoa’s projects involve socially engaged artists experimenting in various areas, such as visual arts, documentary, fiction, performing arts, onsite installations, and drama. Projects are developed on the outskirts of large urban territories—suburbs, distant cities of small or medium size, and rural areas.

Elegoa’s customers come from a variety of sectors and include artists, artistic and cultural organizations, art collectors, social services, NGOs, philanthropists, companies and municipalities.

About Us Section #2

Commissioning: Through the commissioning of artwork and cultural projects, Elegoa creates synergies in marginal territories—suburbs, stigmatized or isolated communities, and distant regions—and engages in various forms of collaboration between artists, cultural organizations, social services, municipalities, groups and individuals, as well as the corporate world. The projects commissioned by Elegoa (visual arts, film, documentary, performing arts) are inspired by local issues and help generate dialogue and action by both exploring the role of art in the public sphere as well as the ability of the public sphere to stimulate artistic innovation.

Service delivery: Elegoa offers services—curating, representation, fundraising, project management, consulting, and training—to artists, artistic institutions and other sectors looking to get involved in the world of art or experiment in artistic practices within the scope of their activity.

Where we work

Where we work

Based in Toronto, Elegoa operates without geographical limitation, preferring suburbs, remote areas, and under-served communities. Elegoa is currently involved in short-term, mid-term and long-term projects in Canada, Cuba, and France.