The Call by Olivier Bosson (Facing: the stories of others. 2017/18/19)

The Call by Olivier Bosson (Facing: the stories of others. 2017/18/19)
Film project based in Makham (Ontario, Canada)
"Perdu" in Markham by Olivier Bosson
In September of 2017, the Varley Art Gallery of Markham and Elegoa Cultural Productions have welcome French film director Olivier Bosson to prepare the direction of his latest cinematic piece entitled The Call.
The cast of this film will be entirely made up of Markham diverse community members with or without acting experience.
A first session of castings was held in various locations in Markham in September 2017. A second session, as well as rehearsals and filming will take place in the spring of 2018.
The film is based on the short story, One, by Daniel Foucard. Foucard’s story is itself inspired by two artworks by Claude Lévêque and Reena Spaulings chosen amongst the FRAC Aquitaine permanent collection (France). One's plot details the lives of five suburban families who band together to create a micro-nation in search of more prosperity. The story delves into themes of political reasoning, suburban living and public vs. private space and in a surprising turn towards the end psychiatric rehabilitation.
Facing: The Stories of others
The Call is part of a larger international project called Facing: The Stories of others which is being commissioned by Catherine Sicot of Elegoa Cultural Productions. FACING: the stories of others explore the concept of nation from the outside-in. It facilitates production and dissemination at local, national and international levels, of film-based works by artists from different parts of the world who are invited to produce and show new works in countries that are not theirs. Facing will take place in Canada, France and Cuba and gradually unfold throughout 2017 and 2018. It is supported in part of The Canada Council for the Arts New Chapter Program. It also involves international and local communities and cultural partners such as Le Centre Pompidou Hors Pistes Programme (France).
Local partners for The Call include: the Varley Art Gallery of Markham (Markham), Ryerson School of Images Arts (Toronto) and Le Labo (Toronto), and Markham casting partners - Cornell Community Centre, Angus Glen and Milliken Mills Library.
Olivier Bosson and Calyx Passailaigue location scouting in Markham
Sans titre, Claude Lévêque (1993) / Untitled (small flag 3), Reena Spaulings, (2005)
Markham streetscape with Cathedral
Side bar photos:
1 - Olivier Bosson casting in Markham
2 - Casting in Markham
3 - Casting in Markham
4 - Olivier Bosson and Kasia Borkowski casting in Markaham 2017